Monday, January 6, 2020

At Home with Homeschooling - 1306 Words

There is nothing a parent would refuse for their own child. Parents go to great lengths to make sure that their children are well cared for. The quality of education that children receive is among one of the greatest concerns for parents. Parents will do just about anything to make sure their children have the best education they can receive, even if this means that they choose a path of home schooling. Although to some home schooling might sound daunting and outdated, but when one faces up with the facts of home education it is clear that, when administered properly, it provides an environment where children can learn at their own pace, develop a healthy social life, and receive a well-rounded education. Education has been a heated debate†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, how is it possible for a teacher to devote attention to finding students with learning disabilities? Home schooling is a positive alternative to the public classroom setting. It allows parents, the ones who know their child more than anyone else, time to gauge how their child behaves and responds to different learning practices. If a child is determined to have learning disability, curriculum can be altered to accommodate this challenge. If a child struggles in a particular subject, extra time can be taken to make sure the child understand what he is learning and grasps the specific subject content. Along with a flexible and unique learning environment, children can also feel safe and at ease while learning from home. This is even more important for those children who suffer from learning disabilities. Students who struggle with learning are very prone to classmate bullying and teasing. The amount of bullying in the public classroom setting is rapidly increasing and with today’s technology, it does not stop there. Cyber bullying from classmates is becoming a growing concern. According to Bullying Statistics, â€Å"This type of bullying has gotten immense media attention over the past few years sighting instances of cyber bullying pushed too far, and in many cases leading to cases of teen suicide or death† (Bullying Statistics). A guided social life significantly lowers the risk of bullying for home schooled students. On theShow MoreRelatedHomeschooling Is The Education Of Children At Home2356 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"Homeschooling is the education of children at home by their parents†. Homeschool has its benefits and it faults . There are cons of homeschooling and faults too but compared to public schools; Homeschooling is a great alternative to schooling and has various pros and advantages. Homeschooling is very similar to private school because it is one on one with a teacher and also alternative to private schools. Homeschool can help individualize a student in multiple ways. 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